
So scintillating and sparkling on the outside,
But gloomy and forlorn beneath
She smiled even if she was hurting inside
For all she cared was his presence for a little while

But all he cared was about his priorities
Be it his game or the beauty sleep
I’m a true scorpion would be his response
So she better not mess with him

She chose each word carefully.
She gave all she had,
She cried herself to sleep every night
She was heartbroken, yet she held on to him

With each passing day, she felt the pain augmenting
The fire of love stifiling within her
The measure of endurance receding
It consumed her, crippling her in the course of this sacrificial yearning


Published by Tales of Jo

24, workaholic who loves to pen down her feelings. As it is said love a poet, and you shall never die.

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